Book Review: Sisterhood in Sports How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete

I am kicking off my blog with a review of a book that holds so much meaning for female athletes and those who support them. The book Sisterhood in Sports How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete by Dr. Joan Steidinger was published in 2014 as I was finishing graduate school. Aside from Dr. Steidinger being a highly respected individual in the field of Sports Psychology, I was intrigued by the title. This book provides the roadmap that as a female athlete did not know I needed. Dr. Steidinger spends time delving into what it looks and feels like to be a lifelong female athlete, and how to support one. She uses a blend of research, personal experience and athlete interviews throughout the book to provide the science and psychology behind each of the topics. 

Each chapter covers a different topic, issue, or challenge that females face. Dr. Steidinger covers female relationships that are essential for success in sports. Based on the female brain and hormones, females seek different types of relationships than men in sport. The relationships and their importance are named and highlighted, Dr. Steidinger also touches on negative relationships, what they look like and how they can impact the female athlete. Since relationships are essential to female athlete success, it is important to support the athlete in making these connections and playing your role. Whether you are a parent, family member, romantic partner Dr. Steidinger has advice provided for you at the end of each relationship section. These takeaways were the first things I shared when recommending the book to the parents of female athletes. My fingers have remained crossed that the parents read the book in its entirety and see improved relationships and more success for their daughters.

Another part of the book that spoke to me was the coaching section. Reading this book impacted my coaching and communication style with female athletes. Dr. Steidinger revisits old styles and new styles of coaching. Reviewing the research on the important roles coaches play in the lives of female athletes heightened my awareness of the influence that I have on the females with whom I work. I have adapted my approach and enhanced my effectiveness in the multiple roles I play. Even the smallest adaptation can change the outcome of a practice and performance.

The last part of the book that I want to touch is the female body image portion because Dr. Steidinger such an outstanding job. Age and media do an excellent job at making the life of a female athlete more challenging. The book touches on what it means to have a "fit" body and how to maintain one in addition to disordered eating and eating disorders. Dr. Steidinger provides additional research about the contribution of genetics and family dynamics to eating disorders. Despite the severity of the concerns when it comes to body image, this chapter remains in an upbeat tone and the takeaways from this chapter are key.

I have very little criticism to give this book, except MORE! Sisterhood in Sports is a very quick read, written in a clear and concise manner. I have recommended this book to many parents and coaches in my network but as my network is growing, I want to recommend it to all of you.

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